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jasmine rouge

['ˈdʒæzmɪn rʊʒ]

n. 茉莉香水;茉莉红色

Jasmine Rouge is a popular shade of red lipstick that is known for its bold and vibrant color. It is named after the jasmine flower, which is known for its sweet and alluring scent. This shade of lipstick is often associated with confidence, passion, and sensuality.

用法:Jasmine Rouge可以用来形容一种颜色,也可以用来指代一种口红的颜色。

jasmine rouge

例句1:She looked stunning in her red dress and Jasmine Rouge lipstick.


例句2:I love how this Jasmine Rouge shade makes my lips stand out.


例句3:The actress wore a Jasmine Rouge gown to the award ceremony.


例句4:Her makeup artist used a touch of Jasmine Rouge on her cheeks for a rosy glow.


例句5:This season's fashion trend is all about bold colors like Jasmine Rouge.


同义词及用法:Jasmine Rouge可以与其他红色的词语互换使用,比如scarlet、crimson、ruby等。也可以用来形容其他物品的颜色,比如Jasmine Rouge nail polish(茉莉红指甲油)。

编辑总结:Jasmine Rouge是一种鲜艳大胆的红色口红,在时尚界备受欢迎。它的命名灵感来自于茉莉花,具有甜美迷人的香气。除了用来形容一种颜色外,它也可以用来指代一种自信、热情和性感的气质。同义词方面,可以与其他红色词语互换使用,也可以用来形容其他物品的颜色。总之,Jasmine Rouge是一种充满魅力和自信的颜色,适合在各种场合展现女性魅力。


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