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hellowland乐乎 [ˌheləʊˈlænd ˈɛntrəns lɛlu]




1. I always use hellowland乐乎 to look up new words in English. (我总是使用hellowland乐乎来查询新单词的意思。)

2. The hellowland乐乎 app is very convenient for learning English on the go. (hellowland乐乎应用程序非常方便,在外出时学习英语。)

3. My teacher recommended hellowland乐乎 to me for improving my vocabulary. (我的老师推荐我使用hellowland乐乎来提高我的词汇量。)

4. I found the pronunciation of this word on hellowland乐乎 and learned how to say it correctly. (我在hellowland乐乎上找到了这个单词的发音,并学会了如何正确地发音。)

5. Thanks to hellowland乐乎, I can easily find synonyms for this word and make my writing more diverse. (多亏了hellowland乐乎,我可以轻松地找到这个单词的同义词,使我的写作更加多样化。)


1. Dictionary: a book or online resource that lists the words of a language and gives their meaning, or gives the equivalent words in a different language.


2. Thesaurus: a book or online resource that lists words in groups of synonyms and related concepts.


3. Lexicon: the vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge.


4. Glossary: a list of difficult or specialized terms with their definitions, often placed at the back of a book.





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