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n. 孵化,孵出,鸡蛋

1. Hatching is the process of hatching out of an egg or the act of hatching something.


例句:The eggs are kept at a constant temperature until hatching.


2. Hatching is a method of shading areas in drawing and printmaking.


例句:The artist used hatching to create depth and texture in the drawing.


3. The hatching of a plan is the process of developing or carrying it out.


例句:The team spent weeks hatching a plan to win the competition.

4. The hatching season is the time of year when birds lay their eggs and hatch them.


例句:The park is closed during the bird's hatching season to protect their nests.

5. The act of breaking out from an enclosed space, such as an egg, can also be referred to as hatching.


例句:The baby chick was hatching from its egg, ready to explore the world.


1. Incubation (n. 孵化) - the process of keeping something at a constant temperature in order to develop or hatch it.

例句:The eggs are kept in an incubator until they hatch.

2. Shading (n. 着色) - the use of different shades or colors to create depth and texture in art.

例句:The artist used shading techniques to make the painting more realistic.

3. Plotting (n. 计划制定) - the process of developing or carrying out a plan.

例句:The group spent hours plotting their next move in the game.

4. Breeding (n. 繁殖) - the act of producing offspring or raising animals for specific characteristics.

例句:The farm specializes in breeding high-quality cattle.

5. Emerging (v. 出现,显现) - the act of coming out or becoming visible after being hidden or enclosed.

例句:The butterfly emerged from its cocoon, ready to take flight.




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