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greasy spoon

[ˈɡriːsi spuːn]

greasy spoon

n. 肮脏的小餐馆

Greasy spoon is a slang term used to describe a small, cheap, and often unclean restaurant. It is typically used in a derogatory manner to refer to a low-quality eatery that serves greasy or unhealthy food.


Greasy spoon通常用于贬义,指的是一家小型、廉价且经常不干净的餐馆。它通常用来指代提供油腻或不健康食物的低质量餐厅。


1. The only place open late at night in this area is a greasy spoon diner.


2. I don't want to eat at that greasy spoon again, the food was terrible.


3. The greasy spoon down the street has the best breakfast burritos.


4. We were so hungry after the concert that we ended up eating at a greasy spoon.


5. The health inspector shut down the greasy spoon due to multiple health code violations.



1. Diner - a small, informal restaurant that serves simple and inexpensive food.

2. Hole-in-the-wall - a small and often unclean restaurant or bar, usually with limited seating or space.

3. Truck s - a roadside rest area where truck drivers can eat, rest, and refuel.

4. Dive - a small, cheap, and often run-down bar or restaurant.

5. Greasy spoon joint - another slang term used to describe a greasy spoon.


Greasy spoon是一种俚语,用来描述一家小型、廉价且经常不干净的餐馆。它通常带有贬义,指代低质量的餐厅,提供油腻或不健康的食物。与其同义词相比,greasy spoon更加强调餐厅的肮脏和不健康特征。使用时应注意语境,避免冒犯对方。


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