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【发音】\ ˈfɪks ʌp \

【用法】fixup是一个及物动词,需要搭配宾语使用。它可以用来表示修理、整修、改善等含义。常见的搭配有fix up something/ someplace/ someone。


1. The mechanic will fix up my car tomorrow. 明天机修工会给我的车做修理。


2. We need to fix up the old house before we can move in. 在我们搬进去之前,我们需要把这座旧房子整修一下。

3. The company has decided to fix up the outdated website. 公司决定对过时的网站进行改进。

4. My friend is really good at fixing up old furniture and making them look like new again. 我的朋友很擅长把旧家具整修一新。

5. Let's fix up a time to meet and discuss the project in detail. 让我们确定一个时间见面,详细讨论这个项目。


1. Repair:作为动词时,意为“修理”,与fixup有相似的含义,但更加普遍和通用。:I need to repair my bike before I can ride it again.(我需要先把自行车修理好才能再骑)作为名词时,意为“修理”,与fixup的用法类似。:The repair of the car cost me a lot of money.(修理这辆车花了我很多钱)

2. Mend:作为动词时,意为“修补”,通常用于衣服、袜子等物品的修补。:I need to mend this hole in my shirt before I can wear it again.(我需要先把这件衬衫上的洞缝起来才能再穿)作为名词时,意为“修补处”。:The mends on the old quilt were barely noticeable.(这床旧被子上的缝补处几乎看不出来)

3. Restore:作为动词时,意为“恢复原状”,强调将物品或情况恢复到原来的状态。:The artist is trying to restore the painting to its original beauty.(艺术家正在努力将这幅画恢复到它最初的美丽状态)作为名词时,意为“恢复”,与fixup的用法类似。:The restoration of the old castle took many years and a lot of money.(这座古堡的修复花费了很多年和大量资金)

4. Improve:作为动词时,意为“改善”,强调使物品或情况变得更好。:The new manager has improved the company's efficiency.(新经理提高了公司的效率)作为名词时,意为“改善”,与fixup的用法类似。:The improvements made to the old building have increased its value significantly.(对这座旧建筑所做的改善使它的价值大幅提升)

5. Renovate:作为动词时,意为“翻新”,强调对物品进行全面的修复和改进。:We are planning to renovate our kitchen next month.(我们计划下个月翻新厨房)作为名词时,意为“翻新”,与fixup的用法类似。:The renovation of the old house took longer than expected.(这座旧房子的翻新比预期花费了更长时间)

【编辑总结】fixup是一个常用的动词,可以表示修理、整修、改善等含义。它需要搭配宾语使用,常见搭配有fix up something/ someplace/ someone。与其相似的同义词有repair、mend、restore、improve和renovate。使用时需要根据具体语境选择合适的动词来表达想要表达的含义。


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