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Meaning: A public service advertisement that promotes the importance of family.

Pronunciation: /ˈfæməli ˈpʊblɪk ˈsɜːvɪs ədˈvɜːtaɪzmənt/


Usage: This phrase is used to refer to an advertisement that aims to raise awareness about the value and significance of family in society.

Example Sentences:

1. The family public service advertisement touched the hearts of many viewers with its heartwarming message.


2. The government launched a series of family public service advertisements to promote strong and healthy family relationships.


3. The family public service advertisement highlighted the importance of spending quality time with loved ones.


4. The emotional impact of the family public service advertisement was evident as it received widespread praise and recognition.


5. Many families were inspired by the powerful message conveyed in the family public service advertisement and made efforts to strengthen their bonds.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Family awareness campaign - a similar term used to describe the same type of advertisement.

家庭意识宣传活动 - 用于描述同一类型广告的类似术语。

2. Pro-family advertisement - another term used to refer to an advertisement that promotes family values and relationships.

亲家庭广告 - 另一个用于指代促进家庭价值观和关系的广告的术语。

3. Domestic harmony promotion - a phrase that can be used interchangeably with family public service advertisement.

促进家庭和谐 - 与家庭公益广告可以互换使用的短语。

Editor's Summary:

The family public service advertisement is a powerful tool for promoting the importance of family in society. By conveying emotional messages and highlighting the significance of strong family relationships, it aims to inspire individuals and families to prioritize their loved ones and strengthen their bonds. This phrase can be used interchangeably with other terms such as family awareness campaign or pro-family advertisement, all of which serve the same purpose of promoting healthy and harmonious families.


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