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1. entirely [adverb] /ɪnˈtaɪəli/


Meaning: completely or wholly

Usage: Used to emphasize that something is completely true, without any exceptions or conditions.

Example: She was entirely responsible for the success of the project.

2. entirely [adverb] /ɪnˈtaɪəli/

Meaning: to the greatest extent possible

Usage: Used to emphasize that something is done completely or thoroughly.

Example: I am entirely grateful for your help.

3. entirely [adverb] /ɪnˈtaɪəli/

Meaning: in a way that is different from before or from what was expected

Usage: Used to show a change or contrast from previous expectations.

Example: The new management has changed the company's direction entirely.

4. entirely [adverb] /ɪnˈtaɪəli/

Meaning: in a way that is not divided into parts; as a whole

Usage: Used to describe something that is complete and not lacking anything.

Example: The painting was entirely painted by hand.

5. entirely [adverb] /ɪnˈtaɪəli/

Meaning: in every detail; fully and completely

Usage: Used to emphasize that something is done with great thoroughness or attention to detail.

Example: He was determined to understand the problem entirely before making a decision.


1. Completely, totally, wholly, thoroughly, utterly, absolutely, fully, perfectly, altogether.

2. Entirely, fully, totally, completely, absolutely.

3. Entirely, wholly, completely, totally.

4. Entirely, fully, completely.

5. Entirely, thoroughly.

Editor's Summary:

Entirely can be used in different contexts and has various meanings depending on how it is used. It is commonly used to emphasize that something is complete, whole, or done thoroughly. It can also be used to show a contrast or change from previous expectations. Synonyms for entirely include completely, wholly, and thoroughly. When using this word, it is important to consider the context and choose the appropriate synonym to convey the intended meaning.


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