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disillusioned [ˌdɪsɪˈluːʒənd]



例句1:After years of hard work, she became disillusioned with her dream of becoming a famous singer. (多年的努力后,她对成为一名著名歌手的梦想感到失望。)

例句2:The politician's empty promises left many disillusioned and cynical about the government. (政客们虚假的承诺让许多人对感到失望和愤世嫉俗。)

例句3:He was once a passionate idealist, but now he is completely disillusioned and has lost faith in humanity. (他曾经是一个热情的理想主义者,但现在他完全幻灭了,并且对人类失去了信心。)

例句4:The young couple's honeymoon period ended when they were faced with the harsh realities of married life and became disillusioned with each other. (年轻夫妇在面对婚姻生活的残酷现实后,两人都开始对彼此感到失望,蜜月期也就此结束。)

例句5:Many people who have been disillusioned by love choose to remain single for fear of getting hurt again. (许多因为爱情而幻灭的人选择保持单身,害怕再次受伤。)

同义词及用法:disillusioned的同义词包括disappointed, disheartened, discouraged, let down等,它们都可以用来形容对现实的失望和幻灭。:

- He was disappointed when he didn't get the job he had been dreaming of for years. (当他没有得到多年梦寐以求的工作时,他感到失望。)

- The team's loss in the final game left their fans feeling disheartened and defeated. (球队在决赛中的失败让球迷们感到沮丧和挫败。)

- She was discouraged by the constant rejections from publishers, but she never gave up on her dream of becoming a writer. (出版商不断拒绝她使她感到沮丧,但她从未放弃成为作家的梦想。)

- The company's broken promises have let down its employees and caused many to leave. (公司不履行承诺让员工们感到失望,并导致许多人离职。)

编辑总结:disillusioned这一形容词常用于描述对现实的幻灭和失望,可以用来形容个人、团体、社会等各种情况下因为与期望不符而产生的失落和沮丧情绪。它可以与其他形容词或副词搭配使用,如completely disillusioned (完全幻灭的),deeply disillusioned (深深地幻灭的),become disillusioned (变得幻灭)等。在撰写文章时,要注意使用多样的同义词和例句来丰富句子结构和表达方式,以避免内容过于单调。


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