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delivered duty unpaid

[diˈlɪvərd ˈdjuːti ʌnˈpeɪd]

delivered duty unpaid

1.意思:delivered duty unpaid是一个英文短语,意思是“未付关税交货”。指在国际贸易中,卖方在把货物交给买方之前,不支付任何关税和费用。这种方式的交易需要买方承担所有的关税和费用。


3.用法:delivered duty unpaid通常用于国际贸易中的合同条款或者运输文件中。它表示卖方只需将货物交付给买方,而不需要承担任何额外的费用。这种方式通常适用于买卖双方之间有特殊约定或者信任关系的情况。


1. The goods will be delivered duty unpaid, which means the buyer will be responsible for all customs duties and taxes.


2. The contract states that the goods will be delivered duty unpaid, so the buyer needs to make sure they have enough funds to cover the customs fees.


3. The seller requested that the goods be delivered duty unpaid, but the buyer insisted on paying all the fees in advance.


4. The delivery terms were agreed upon to be delivered duty unpaid, but the buyer later changed their mind and wanted the seller to cover all the customs fees.


5. The seller was not happy with the delivered duty unpaid terms as they were worried about potential delays and additional costs.


5.同义词及用法:delivered duty unpaid可以与其他类似短语互换使用,如delivered ex ship、delivered ex quay、delivered at frontier等。它们都表示卖方只需将货物交付给买方,而不需要承担任何额外费用。

6.编辑总结:delivered duty unpaid是国际贸易中常见的一种交货方式,在合同条款中经常被使用。它指明了买卖双方在运输和关税上的责任分担,需要双方在签订合同时仔细考虑清楚。翻译人员在进行词典释义时,需要准确理解该短语的含义,并且注意语法和用法的正确性。


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