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corporate world

英 [ˈkɔːpərət ˈwɜːld] 美 [ˈkɔːrpərət ˈwɜːrld]

corporate world

corporate world是一个名词短语,指的是商业世界中由各种企业组成的体。它通常用来描述大型企业、跨国公司和其他商业,以及它们之间的关系和相互作用。


1. The corporate world is highly competitive and constantly changing.


2. He has spent his entire career in the corporate world.


3. In the corporate world, networking is essential for success.


4. She left the corporate world to start her own business.


5. The corporate world can be ruthless and cutthroat at times.



business world:指的是所有与商业有关的活动和实体,包括公司、企业、交易等。

例句:The business world is constantly evolving with new technologies and trends emerging every day.

corporate sector:指的是由各种企业组成的商业部门。

例句:The corporate sector is facing challenges due to the economic downturn.

commercial world:指的是商业活动和交易所构成的世界。

例句:The commercial world is becoming increasingly globalized.


corporate world是一个常用的商业术语,它描述了由各种企业组成的商业世界。在这个竞争激烈、不断变化的环境中,人们需要具备良好的人脉和适应能力才能在商业世界取得成功。除了corporate world外,还有一些同义词可以用来描述商业领域,如business world、corporate sector和commercial world等。


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