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connect with是什么意思

一:connect with是什么意思的意思:

connect with是一个动词短语,意为“与(某人)取得;与(某事物)建立”。


/kəˈnekt wɪθ/

connect with是什么意思


connect with通常用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。也可用作不及物动词,表示“连接;联结”。常见搭配有:

1. connect with someone:与某人取得

2. connect with something:与某事物建立

3. connect with the world:与世界接轨

4. connect with nature:与大自然融为一体


1. I can't seem to connect with him no matter how hard I try. (无论我怎么努力,似乎都无法与他取得。)

2. It took me a while to connect with my inner self and find inner peace. (我花了一些时间才能与内心建立,并找到内心的平静。)

3. The new app allows users to connect with each other from all over the world. (这款新应用允许用户从全球各地相互联络。)

4. The artist's work aims to connect people with their emotions and memories. (这位艺术家的作品旨在让人们与自己的情感和回忆建立。)

5. The bridge connects the two cities, making it easier for people to travel between them. (这座桥连接了两座城市,使人们更容易在两地之间旅行。)


1. link with:与…;与…相关

2. associate with:与…有关;与…有

3. communicate with:与…交流;与…沟通

4. engage with:参与;交流

5. bond with:与…建立紧密


connect with是一个常用的动词短语,意为“与(某人)取得;与(某事物)建立”。它可以用作及物动词或不及物动词,并常见搭配有connect with someone和connect with something等。除了表示“”外,它还可以表示“连接”、“联结”等含义。在写作中,可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词替换,以丰富表达方式。


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