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(英文释义)Busters member


(音标)[ˈbʌstərz ˈmɛmbər]


(复数)busters members

1. busters成员指的是一群年轻、有活力、充满激情的人们,他们身怀绝技,是一支专业的团队。

Busters member refers to a group of young, energetic and passionate people who are skilled and professional.

2. busters成员通常指那些从事危险职业,如消防员、救援人员、等。

Busters member usually refers to those who are engaged in dangerous occupations, such as firefighters, rescuers, soldiers, etc.

3. busters成员也可以指那些富有创造力和冒险的个人,他们勇于挑战自我,追求梦想。

Busters member can also refer to individuals who are creative and adventurous, who dare to challenge themselves and pursue their dreams.

4. 在娱乐圈中,busters成员也指那些具有出色表演技巧和魅力的艺人,他们能够吸引观众的注意力。

In the entertainment industry, busters member also refers to artists with excellent performance skills and charm who can attract the audience's attention.

5. 作为一个团队,busters成员之间相互合作、相互支持,在完成任务的过程中形成了紧密的团结。

As a team, busters members cooperate and support each other, forming a close unity in the process of completing tasks.


1. Team member:团队成员

2. Crew member:船员,机组人员

3. Squad member:小队成员

4. Group member:团体成员

5. Association member:协会成员


1. The busters members worked together to save the trapped hikers.


2. The busters members showed great courage and determination in the face of danger.


3. As a busters member, I have to constantly improve my skills and be ready for any challenges.


4. The concert was a huge success thanks to the talented busters members.


5. The busters members were like a family, always supporting and encouraging each other.



busters成员是一个多义词,可以指年轻、有活力、充满激情的人们,也可以指从事危险职业的人群,还可以指富有创造力和冒险的个人,甚至可以指具有出色表演技巧和魅力的艺人。作为一个团队,busters成员之间相互合作、相互支持,在完成任务的过程中形成了紧密的团结。同义词包括team member、crew member、squad member等,用法示例可以涵盖不同场景下的使用情况。总之,busters成员是一个充满活力和激情的群体,他们通过团结合作和勇于挑战自我,为实现共同目标而努力奋斗。


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