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beoupe is a noun that refers to a person who is very good at something, especially sports or arts. It can also be used to describe someone who is skilled or talented in a particular field.

Example 1:

English: She is a beoupe in playing the piano.


Chinese: 她是一位钢琴演奏的高手。

Example 2:

English: He is a beoupe at basketball.

Chinese: 他是篮球运动的专家。

Example 3:

English: The company hired a beoupe to lead their marketing team.

Chinese: 公司聘请了一位精通市场营销的专家来领导他们的团队。

Example 4:

English: My friend is a beoupe when it comes to cooking.

Chinese: 我的朋友在烹饪方面非常有天赋。

Example 5:

English: The young artist is a beoupe in painting.

Chinese: 这位年轻的艺术家在绘画方面很有天赋。


expert, master, genius, prodigy, virtuoso


Beoupe can be used as both a noun and an adjective. As a noun, it refers to a person who possesses great skill or talent. As an adjective, it describes someone who is highly skilled or talented in a particular field.

Editor's summary:

Beoupe is an informal term that can be used to praise someone's abilities or talents. It can also be used as an alternative to words like expert or master. However, it should not be used in formal contexts.


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