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assurance maladie

[əˈʃʊərəns mælədi]

assurance maladie


1. Definition:

Assurance maladie refers to a French term that translates to "health insurance" in English. It is a type of insurance that provides coverage for medical expenses and treatments.

2. Pronunciation:

Assurance maladie is pronounced as [əˈʃʊərəns mælədi], with the stress on the second syllable.

3. Usage:

Assurance maladie is commonly used in France and other French-speaking countries to refer to health insurance. It can also be used in English to specifically refer to the French healthcare system.

4. Examples:

- The government provides assurance maladie for all its citizens, ensuring that everyone has access to healthcare.


- As an expat living in France, I had to enroll in assurance maladie in order to access healthcare services.


- The assurance maladie system in France covers a wide range of medical treatments, including hospital stays, doctor visits, and prescription medications.


- My employer offers a comprehensive assurance maladie plan as part of our benefits package.


- In order to be eligible for assurance maladie, you must be a legal resident of France and pay into the social security system.


5. Synonyms:

- Assurance santé (health insurance)

- Couverture médicale (medical coverage)

- Sécurité sociale (social security)

- Mutuelle santé (healthcare mutual fund)

6. Editor's Summary:

Assurance maladie is an important term to understand for anyone living in or traveling to French-speaking countries. It refers to the healthcare system and health insurance in France, and can also be used in English to specifically refer to the French healthcare system. Knowing this term and its usage can be helpful when seeking medical treatment or understanding the healthcare system in France.


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