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Substantial 的意思


Substantial 的基本意思
Substantial 是一个形容词,表示“实质的、真实的、基本的、重要的”。它通常用来描述某个主题、事物或概念的实际价值、重要性或实质内容。例如:

* The report is substantial and well-researched.


* The discussion is substantial and covers various aspects.


Substantial 的近义词


Substantial 在不同语境中的使用
1. 描述某物的实质内容:

* The essay provides substantial insights into the topic.


* The proposal is substantial and addresses the main concerns.

2. 强调某物的实质性:

* The report is substantial in its findings and recommendations.


* The argument is substantial and should be considered carefully.

3. 描述某物的价值或重要性:

* This book is substantial in its contribution to the field.


* The policy proposal is substantial and has the potential to improve the lives of many people.

4. 表示某物的真实或基本的性质:

* The data is substantial and provides a good foundation for the analysis.


* The argument is substantial and has been well-researched.

5. 表示某物在某个领域中的地位或作用:

* The author is a prominent and respected figure in the field.


* The company has a substantial presence in the market and is a leader in its industry.



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