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1. 花期是指植物花朵从开放到凋谢的一段时间,也称为开花期。它通常是植物生长季节中最显著的阶段,也是人们最喜爱的观赏时期。花期的长度因植物种类、环境和气候等因素而有所不同。

2. 花期可分为早、中、晚三个阶段。早花期指开花时间较早的植物,通常在春季或夏季初开花;中花期指开花时间居中的植物,通常在夏季或秋季开花;晚花期指开花时间较晚的植物,通常在秋季或冬季初开花。

3. 早、中、晚三个阶段又可细分为早早、早中、早晚、中早、中中、中晚、晚早、晚中和晚晚九个子阶段。每个子阶段又有不同的特点,如早早子阶段的植物多为寒性植物,能耐低温;而晚晚子阶段的植物多为暖性植物,能耐高温。

4. 花期的长短也与植物的生长习性有关。一年生植物花期通常较短,多为几周至数月;多年生植物花期则较长,可达数月至数年。

5. 花期还受到环境和气候的影响。如温度、光照、水分等因素都会影响植物的生长和开花时间。同一种植物在不同的环境下,其花期也可能有所不同。


1. 这种花的花期很短,只有一周左右,但每年都能开出美丽的花朵。

2. 这种植物的花期持续了一个月,让整个园林都充满了浪漫的气息。

3. 在南方地区,这种植物的早早子阶段就已经开始开放了。

4. 这种植物的晚晚子阶段非常漂亮,但需要保持适宜的温度才能开放。

5. 由于天气变化剧烈,今年这些植物的花期比往年要提前两周。


1. 开放、凋谢、观赏、生长季节

2. 早花期、中花期、晚花期

3. 早早子阶段、早中子阶段、早晚子阶段

4. 中早子阶段、中中子阶段、中晚子阶段

5. 晚早子阶段、晚中子阶段、晚晚子阶段

花期是什么意思?Flowering period refers to the period of time from the opening of plant flowers to their wilting, also known as blooming period. It is usually the most prominent stage in the plant's growing season and also the most popular time for people to appreciate. The length of flowering period varies depending on plant species, environment, and climate.

The flowering period can be divided into three stages: early, middle, and late. Early flowering period refers to plants that bloom earlier, usually in spring or early summer; middle flowering period refers to plants that bloom in the middle, usually in summer or autumn; late flowering period refers to plants that bloom later, usually in autumn or early winter.

The three stages can be further divided into nine sub-stages: early-early, early-middle, early-late, middle-early, middle-middle, middle-late, late-early, late-middle and late-late. Each sub-stage has different characteristics. For example, plants in the early-early sub-stage are mostly cold-resistant and can withstand low temperatures; while those in the late-late sub-stage are mostly warm-loving and can withstand high temperatures.

The length of flowering period also depends on the growth habits of plants. Annual plants usually have a shorter flowering period of a few weeks to several months; while perennial plants have a longer flowering period lasting from several months to several years.

Flowering period is also affected by environmental and climatic factors. Temperature, light, water, and other factors can all affect plant growth and flowering time. The same plant may have different flowering periods in different environments.


1. The flowering period of this flower is very short, only about a week, but it blooms beautiful flowers every year.

2. The flowering period of this plant lasts for a month, making the entire garden full of romantic atmosphere.

3. In the southern region, the early-early sub-stage of this plant has already started to bloom.

4. The late-late sub-stage of this plant is very beautiful but requires suitable temperature to open.

5. Due to drastic weather changes, the flowering period of these plants is two weeks earlier than usual this year.

Word combinations:

1. Opening, wilting, appreciation, growing season

2. Early flowering period, middle flowering period, late flowering period

3. Early-early sub-stage, early-middle sub-stage, early-late sub-stage

4. Middle-early sub-stage, middle-middle sub-stage, middle-late sub-stage

5. Late-early sub-stage, late-middle sub-stage, late-late sub-stage

In summary,the flowering period refers to the time from the opening of plant flowers to their wilting and can be divided into three stages: early,middle,and late.The length of flowering period varies depending on plant species and environmental factors.It is also affected by temperature and other climatic conditions.The same plant may have different flowering periods in different environments.Flowering period is an important stage in a plant's life cycle and plays a significant role in adding beauty to our surroundings.We should appreciate and cherish these natural wonders while they last.


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