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sebaceous cyst是什么意思(了解sebaceous cyst:皮肤上的一种良性肿瘤)

了解sebaceous cyst:皮肤上的一种良性肿瘤

Sebaceous cysts are a common type of benign tumor that can appear on the skin. While they may seem like a bad thing, they are actually quite simple and do not usually cause any real harm. In this article, we will discuss what sebaceous cysts are, their causes, symptoms, and treatment options.

一、什么是sebaceous cyst?

Sebaceous cysts are small, fluid-filled bumps that can appear on the skin. They are usually round or oval in shape and can range in color from white to brown. While they may look a little suspicious, they are actually quite common and are usually not dangerous.

二、sebaceous cyst的原因

Sebaceous cysts are caused by a buildup of dead skin cells in the oil-producing glands of the skin. These dead cells can become trapped in the ducts that carry the sebum to the skin, causing a cyst to form. While sebaceous cysts are usually not dangerous, they can be a sign of an underlying issue.

三、sebaceous cyst的症状

Sebaceous cysts typically do not cause any real symptoms. They may appear as a small, firm bump on the skin, or as a small, fluid-filled swelling. If the cyst becomes infected, however, it may cause红肿、疼痛或瘙痒等症状.

四、sebaceous cyst的治疗

Sebaceous cysts are usually not treated. If they do not cause any real symptoms, they will naturally resolve on their own. If they do become infected, however, they can be treated with antibiotics. In some cases, a biopsy may be performed to rule out any underlying issues.


Sebaceous cysts are a common and relatively simple type of tumor that can appear on the skin. While they may cause some inconvenience, they are usually not dangerous and can be easily treated. If you have any concerns about a cyst on your skin, be sure to speak with a dermatologist.


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