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预告片英文怎么写,How to Write a Trailers English

How to Write a Trailers English

How to Write a Trailers English

Trailers are an essential part of the movie-making process. They are short previews of the upcoming film that are shown before its release. Writing a compelling trailer can be a challenging task, but with the right tips and tricks, it can be done.

Understanding the Purpose

The primary purpose of a trailer is to give viewers a brief overview of the movie. This includes the plot, the cast, and the main themes. It is important to keep the trailer concise and to the point, as most people will not watch the entire thing.

Keeping it Creative

Writing a trailer requires creativity and originality. Avoid using too much text or making it too long. Instead, focus on using imagery and music to create a sense of excitement and anticipation. Use colors and fonts that match the style of the movie.

Using Scenes from the Movie

Scenes from the movie can be an effective way to give viewers a sense of what to expect. Use clips that showcase the action, the humor, or the romance. Make sure to get permission from the movie studio if you want to use any copyrighted material.

Adding Special Effects

Special effects can add a thrilling and exciting element to your trailer. Consider using CGI, or computer-generated imagery, to create visually stunning scenes. Make sure to read the release guidelines and obtain any necessary approvals before using any special effects.

Listening to Music

Music can greatly enhance the mood and feel of your trailer. Consider using a song that reflects the tone and themes of the movie. Be sure to get permission from the music rights holder if you want to use any copyrighted music.

Editing and Dubbing

Editing and dubbing are important aspects of creating a successful trailer. Make sure to edit the footage in a logical and coherent way, and be sure to add the correct sound effects and music. If you need to dub the dialogue, make sure to get the right approvals from the movie studio before doing so.

The Importance of Final Quality Control

It is important to thoroughly review and edit your trailer to ensure that it is of the highest quality. This includes reviewing the audio, the video, and the special effects. Make sure to check for any mistakes or inconsistencies, and be sure to submit the final product for review.


In conclusion, writing a trailer requires creativity, originality, and attention to detail. By understanding the purpose, keeping it concise, using scenes from the movie, adding special effects, listening to music, editing and dubbing, and taking the time for final quality control, you can create a trailer that will be both exciting and informative for viewers.


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