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Journalism is a term that refers to the practice of writing and publishing news and articles about current events and other significant topics. It is a vital aspect of society that allows people to stay informed about what is happening around them and promotes transparency and accountability.

* Objectivity

* Objectivity is a term that refers to a lack of bias or personal opinions in journalism. It is important for journalists to strive for objectivity in their reporting, as it helps to ensure that the news is reported accurately and fairly.

* Balance

* Balance refers to the idea of providing a fair and equal representation of different perspectives and viewpoints in journalism. It is important for journalists to seek out a variety of sources and perspectives in order to present a balanced view of an issue.

* Context

* Context refers to the situation or circumstances in which an event or topic occurs. When journalists report on a topic, they should provide enough context for readers to understand the issue and its significance.

* Storytelling

* Storytelling refers to the art and craft of writing that is used to convey information and meaning in a way that is engaging and compelling. Journalists use storytelling techniques to bring a topic to life and to capture the attention of their readers.


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