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loose是什么意思 关于“loose”这个词汇的意思及应用



Loose 的基本意思
- The wires are loose, so they're not working properly.(电线松了,所以它们不能正常工作。)
- The tire is loose and needs to be tightened.(轮胎松了,需要拧紧。)
- The relationship between the countries is loose and needs to be tightened.(两国之间的关系松散,需要加强。)
Loose 的动词意思
- The fabric is starting to loose.(面料开始变得松散了。)
- The relationship between the parties is starting to loosen up.(两个政党的关系开始变得松散了。)
Loose 的形容词意思
- The room is feeling a bit loose today.(今天房间有点松散。)
- The ship's anchor seems to be getting a little loose.(锚似乎有点松了。)
1. 在英语写作中,“Loose”可以用作形容词,表示松散、不紧密的意思。例如:
- The wires in the computer are feeling a little loose.(电脑的电线感觉有点松。)
- The relationship between the teacher and the students is feeling a little loose.(师生关系感觉有点松。)
2. 在英语口语中,“Loose”也可以用作形容词,表示不紧密、松散的意思。例如:
- The belt is feeling a little loose on me.(这条裤子对我来说有点松。)
- The secrets between the friends are feeling a little loose.(朋友之间的秘密感觉有点松。)
3. 在英语中,“Loose”还可以用作动词,表示变得松散、不紧密的意思。例如:
- The fabric is starting to feel a little loose.(面料开始变得松散了。)
- The relationship between the parents and their children is starting to feel a little loose.(父母和孩子之间的关系开始变得松散了。)



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