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1. 作为名词,expression指的是人类通过言语、行为、肢体语言等方式来表达自己思想、感情和意图的方式。它可以指具体的言辞或动作,也可以指整个人的外在形象和气质。:

- Her facial expressions clearly showed her disappointment. (她的面部表情清楚地显示出她的失望。)

- The painting is a perfect expression of the artist's emotions. (这幅画完美地表现了艺术家的情感。)

2. 作为动词,expression指的是通过言语、行为等方式来表达出某种思想、感情或意图。:

- He expressed his gratitude to everyone who helped him. (他向帮助过他的每个人表示了感谢。)

- She expressed her love for him in a heartfelt letter. (她在一封发自内心的信中表达了对他的爱意。)

3. 另外,expression还有“说法”、“措辞”的意思,在这种用法下往往与of连用。:

- What's your expression of the problem? (你对这个问题有什么看法?)

- The expression of the law is not clear enough. (这条法律的措辞不够清晰。)

4. expression也可以指某种特定的表情或姿态,尤其是用于艺术作品中。:

- The dancer's expressions were full of grace and emotion. (舞者的表情充满了优雅和感情。)

- The photographer captured the model's different expressions in his photos. (摄影师在照片中捕捉到了模特的不同表情。)


1. Her expression changed from anger to sadness in a matter of seconds.


2. The artist used different colors and brushstrokes to create a variety of expressions on the canvas.


3. He had a puzzled expression on his face when he saw the complicated instructions.


4. The actress's facial expressions were so convincing that the audience was moved to tears.


5. In some cultures, it is considered impolite to show too much emotion or expression in public.



1. manifestation:指某种具体的表现或显露出来的迹象。:The earthquake was a manifestation of the earth's natural power. (地震是大地自然力量的一种表现。)

2. indication:指某种迹象或暗示,可以用作名词或动词。:His expression of boredom was an indication that he was not interested in the ic. (他无聊的表情暗示着他对这个话题不感兴趣。)

3. communication:指通过言语、文字、符号等方式传达信息和意义,强调双方之间的交流和理解。:Effective communication is the key to a successful relationship. (有效的沟通是建立成功关系的关键。)

4. representation:指某种形式或方式来描述或展示某物,也可以指代理人、团等。:The painting is a beautiful representation of nature's beauty. (这幅画是对大自然美丽之处的精彩呈现。)

5. gesture:指肢体动作、姿态等来表达意思或感情,也可以用作动词。:She made a gesture of apology to her friend for being late. (她向朋友做了一个道歉的手势,因为她迟到了。)




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