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1. 作为不及物动词,表示“存在、生存”,常与介词in连用。:The dinosaur no longer exists on the earth.(恐龙已不再存在于地球上。)


2. 作为及物动词,表示“有、发生”,常与名词或名词短语连用。:Do you think gs exist?(你认为鬼魂存在吗?)

3. 作为连系动词,表示“是、成为”,常与形容词连用。:The problem exists because of the lack of communication.(问题出现是因为缺乏沟通。)

4. 可以构成一些固定搭配,如:exist in sth(存在于某物中)、exist on sth(靠某物生活)、exist for sth(存在于某事中)等。


1. In today's society, many people are struggling to exist rather than living a fulfilling life.


2. The endangered species may soon cease to exist if we don't take action to protect them.


3. The ancient civilization that once existed in this area has left behind many mysterious relics.


4. The idea of time travel has long existed in science fiction, but it is still considered impossible in reality.


5. The concept of beauty exists differently in different cultures and changes over time.



1. In some remote areas, people still live a primitive life, struggling to exist without modern amenities.


2. The impact of climate change on the environment is real and it will continue to exist if we don't take immediate action.


3. The belief in gs and spirits has existed for centuries, even though there is no scientific evidence to support it.


4. In today's society, social media has become an essential part of our existence, connecting people from all over the world.


5. The conflict between the two countries has existed for decades and it seems like there is no end in sight.



1. survive:作为动词时,意思与exist相同,但更强调生存下来。:The only way to survive in this harsh environment is to adapt quickly.(在这种恶劣的环境中生存下来的唯一方法就是快速适应。)

2. dwell:作为动词时,意思是居住、栖息,也可以表示存在、存在于某处。:The tribe dwells in the mountains and lives a simple life.(这个部落居住在山区,过着简单的生活。)

3. inhabit:作为动词时,意思是居住、栖息、占据,在某地生活或存在。:Many species inhabit this tropical rainforest.(许多物种栖息在这片热带雨林中。)

4. subsist:作为动词时,意思是维持生活、存活,强调仅仅维持生存的状态。:The refugees are barely subsisting on the limited supplies.(难民们几乎是靠有限的物资勉强维持生活。)




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