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1. 作为形容词:


- The road is even and smooth.(这条路很平坦光滑。)

- The floor was even and clean.(地板很平整干净。)


- They divided the cake into six even pieces.(他们把蛋糕分成了六份大小相同的部分。)

- The two teams are evenly matched.(两队实力相当。)

2. 作为副词:


- Even a child knows that.(就连小孩子都知道那件事。)

- I can't believe you would do such a thing, even after I warned you.(我简直不敢相信你会做这样的事,即使我提醒过你。)


- The weather is getting even colder.(天气变得更冷了。)

- He became even more famous after his latest movie.(他在最新一部电影之后变得更加出名。)

3. 作为动词:


- The therapist helped the patient to even out her emotions.(治疗师帮助病人平衡情绪。)

- We need to even out the distribution of resources among different departments.(我们需要平衡分配不同部门的资源。)


1. She always makes sure that her makeup is even on both sides of her face.(她总是确保脸上的妆容两边对称一致。)

2. Even though they were tired, they continued to work hard until the project was finished.(尽管他们很累,但他们还是坚持工作直到项目完成。)

3. The students are not evenly distributed among the different classes.(学生们没有均匀地分布在不同的班级里。)

4. Even if you don't like the food, you should at least try it before making a judgement.(即使你不喜欢这道菜,你也应该先尝试一下再做判断。)

5. The company is trying to even out the pay gap between male and female employees.(公司正在努力缩小男女员工的薪资差距。)


1. equal:表示“相等的、平等的”,指数量、程度或权利上的平衡。:

- The two sides reached an equal agreement.(双方达成了一致协议。)

- All citizens should have equal rights and opportunities.(所有公民应该拥有平等的权利和机会。)

2. smooth:表示“光滑的、顺利的”,指表面没有凹凸不平或事情进展顺利。:

- She has very smooth skin.(她皮肤很光滑。)

- The negotiations went smoothly and we reached a good deal in the end.(谈判进行得很顺利,最终我们达成了一个好协议。)

3. balanced:表示“平衡的、均衡的”,指各方面都保持相对稳定和谐的状态。:

- A balanced diet is essential for a healthy lifestyle.(均衡饮食对于健康生活至关重要。)

- We need to find a balanced approach that takes into account everyone's opinions.(我们需要找到一个能够考虑到每个人意见的平衡方法。)


even是一个多功能词汇,作为形容词时主要表示“平坦的、均匀的”或“相等的、相同的”,作为副词时则表示“甚至、即使”或“更加、更为”,作为动词时则表示“使平衡、调整”。它还可以与其他词汇搭配使用,形成不同的含义,even out(使平衡)、even up(使相等)、evenly(均匀地)等。在写作中,我们可以根据具体语境选择最合适的意思来使用这个词汇。


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