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1. 作形容词时,empty表示“空的,无内容的”。:


- My wallet is empty.(我的钱包是空的。)

- The room was empty when we arrived.(我们到达时房间是空的。)

2. 作动词时,empty表示“清空,倒空”。:

- Please empty the trash bin before you leave.(请在离开前把垃圾桶倒掉。)

- She emptied her glass and poured herself another drink.(她喝完了杯子里的酒,又给自己倒了一杯。)

3. 作名词时,empty表示“空白,空虚”。:

- The streets were filled with empties after the parade.(后街道上满是丢弃的酒瓶。)

- I feel an emptiness inside me since she left.(自从她离开后我内心感到一片空虚。)


1. Her diary was full of empty pages waiting to be filled with her thoughts and memories.


2. The cashier counted the money and found the cash register empty.


3. The teacher asked the students to empty their backpacks and show her what they had inside.


4. The factory was shut down, leaving behind an empty building and a lot of unemployed workers.


5. After a long day at work, he felt completely empty and had no energy left for anything else.



1. Vacant:形容词,意思也是“空的”,可以作为empty的同义词使用。:

- There are many vacant seats in the theater.(剧院里有很多空座位。)

- She stared at the vacant room, remembering all the good times she had spent there with her family.(她凝视着那个空荡荡的房间,回忆起和家人在那里度过的美好时光。)

2. Hollow:形容词,意思是“中空的”,也可以表示“无意义的”。:

- The tree trunk was hollow inside, making it a perfect hiding spot for the children's game of hide-and-seek.(树干里面是中空的,成为孩子们玩捉迷藏的理想藏身之处。)

- His words sounded hollow and insincere.(他的话听起来虚伪无意义。)

3. Vacate:动词,意思是“腾出,空出”,可以表示“清空”或“离开”。:

- Please vacate your seat for the next passenger.(请为下一位乘客腾出座位。)

- The tenants were asked to vacate the apartment by the end of the month.(房客被要求在月底前搬离公寓。)

4. Desolate:形容词,意思是“荒凉的,凄凉的”,可以表示“空无一人”的感觉。:

- The desolate landscape was a stark contrast to the busy city they had left behind.(荒凉的风景和他们刚离开的繁华城市形成了鲜明对比。)

- After her husband's death, she felt desolate and alone in their big empty house.(丈夫去世后,她感到孤单和凄凉,住在那座空旷的大房子里。)




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