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1. 作为动词时,embrace通常表示“拥抱”某人或某物。:

- She embraced her long-lost friend with tears in her eyes. (她含着眼泪拥抱她失散已久的朋友。)

- The mother embraced her child tightly to show her love. (母亲紧紧地拥抱孩子来表达她的爱。)

2. 除了字面意义上的“拥抱”,embrace还可以表示“接受”某事物或某观点。:

- He finally embraced the idea of moving to a new city for work. (他最终接受了搬到新城市工作的想法。)

- The company needs to embrace new technologies in order to stay competitive. (公司需要接受新技术以保持竞争力。)

3. 另外,embrace也可以表示“包含”或“涵盖”某事物。:

- The book embraces a wide range of ics related to psychology. (这本书涵盖了与心理学相关的广泛话题。)

- This new policy embraces the needs of both employees and employers. (这项新包含了员工和雇主的需求。)


1. The young couple embraced each other tightly at the airport, not wanting to say goodbye. (年轻的情侣在机场紧紧地拥抱,不想说再见。)

2. The company has embraced a new marketing strategy to attract more customers. (公司已经采用了一种新的营销策略来吸引更多的客户。)

3. The school embraces students from different cultural backgrounds and encourages diversity. (学校欢迎来自不同文化背景的学生,并鼓励多样性。)

4. She finally embraced her true self and sped pretending to be someone she's not. (她最终接受了自己真实的样子,不再假装成别人。)

5. The city's culture embraces a mix of traditional and modern elements, making it unique and charming. (这座城市的文化融合了传统和现代元素,使其独具魅力。)


1. Hug: 作为动词时,hug与embrace有相似的意思,都表示“拥抱”。但hug通常指较为轻松或友好的拥抱,而embrace则更加正式或有意义。

- They hugged each other when they met after a long time apart.


- The father embraced his son tightly after he returned from the army.


2. Accept: 作为动词时,accept与embrace都可以表示“接受”某事物或某观点。但accept更常用于日常对话中,而embrace则更正式或有强烈的态度。

- I finally accepted the fact that I didn't get the job. (我终于接受了我没有得到这份工作的事实。)

- The company embraced the idea of going green and reducing carbon emissions. (公司接受了环保和减少碳排放的想法。)

3. Incorporate: 作为动词时,incorporate与embrace都可以表示“包含”或“涵盖”某事物。但incorporate通常指将某事物纳入到整体中,而embrace则更加广泛或含义更深。

- The new textbook incorporates the latest research findings on climate change. (这本新教科书融入了最新的气候变化研究成果。)

- The country's constitution embraces the principles of democracy and human rights. (该国宪法包含了和人权原则。)




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