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用法:Elevator通常作为一个名词使用,在句子中可以作为主语、宾语或者定语。,“The elevator is out of order.”(电梯坏了。),“We took the elevator to the floor.”(我们乘坐电梯到达顶楼。),“The elevator doors opened and we stepped inside.”(电梯门打开,我们走了进去。)


1. The hotel had multiple elevators to accommodate the large number of guests.


2. She pressed the button for the elevator and waited for it to arrive.


3. The office building has a high-speed elevator that can reach the floor in just 30 seconds.


4. The elevator was crowded with people during rush hour.


5. The old man was afraid of heights, so he always took the stairs instead of the elevator.





1. Elevator作为名词时,可以指代一种垂直运输设备,也可以泛指任何可以提升物品或人的装置。

2. 在英语中,elevator也可以用作动词,意为“提升”、“抬升”,,“The crane will be used to elevate the heavy equipment.”(起重机将被用来抬升重型设备。)


1. The elevator doors opened and we stepped inside.


2. She pressed the button for the elevator and waited for it to arrive.


3. The hotel had multiple elevators to accommodate the large number of guests.


4. The office building has a high-speed elevator that can reach the floor in just 30 seconds.


5. The old man was afraid of heights, so he always took the stairs instead of the elevator.


1. The new building has a state-of-the-art elevator system that can transport people at high speeds.


2. The elevator in this building is equipped with voice prompts for visually impaired individuals.


3. Due to a power outage, we had to take the stairs instead of the elevator to get to our apartment on the 10th floor.


4. The elevator was out of service, so we had to carry all the heavy boxes up the stairs.


5. In order to reduce energy consumption, the company installed regenerative elevators in their new office building.



1. Lift:作为名词时,lift也可以指代电梯,但更常用于英式英语中。

2. Escalator:作为名词时,指代自动扶梯,可以用来取代电梯。

3. Hoist:作为名词时,指代起重机或者吊车,也可以泛指提升物品的装置。

4. Elevating platform:作为名词短语时,指代升降,在某些场合也可以用来取代电梯。




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