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east的音标为 /iːst/,发音为 [iːst]。


1. 名词:表示地理位置或方向


例句:The sun rises in the east. (太阳从东方升起。)

The East China Sea is located between China and Japan. (东海位于和日本之间。)

2. 形容词:表示属于或来自东方的

例句:East Asian cultures are known for their emphasis on collectivism. (东亚文化以强调集体主义而闻名。)

She has a beautiful collection of East African art. (她收藏了许多美丽的东非艺术品。)

3. 副词:表示向东方或朝东方

例句:He drove east towards the mountains. (他朝着山脉向东开车。)

The wind is blowing from east to west today. (今天风是从东到西吹的。)

4. 作为前缀:表示与东方相关的事物

例句:Eastward (向东方)、Eastbound (开往东方的)、Eastern (东方的)


1. The east side of the city is known for its vibrant nightlife. (这个城市的东部以其活跃的夜生活而闻名。)

2. The train will be departing from platform 2 on the east side of the station. (火车将从车站东侧的2号站台出发。)

3. The eastern region of the country is known for its beautiful beaches and warm weather. (这个的东部地区以其美丽的海滩和温暖的气候而闻名。)

4. She has always been fascinated by Eastern philosophy and culture. (她一直被东方哲学和文化所吸引。)

5. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west every day. (太阳每天从东方升起,西落。)


1. Orient:作为名词,表示“东方”;作为动词,表示“使朝向”。

例句:The Orient has a rich history and diverse cultures.(东方拥有丰富的历史和多样化的文化。)

He oriented himself towards his goals and worked hard to achieve them.(他把自己定位在目标上,并努力实现它们。)

2. Eastward:作为副词,表示“向东方”。

例句:They traveled eastward to explore new lands.(他们向东方旅行,探索新的土地。)

3. Oriental:作为形容词,表示“东方的”;作为名词,表示“东方人”。

例句:The Oriental rug in the living room adds a touch of elegance to the space.(客厅里的东方地毯为空间增添了一丝优雅。)

The museum is ing an exhibition featuring works by Oriental artists.(博物馆正在举办一场展览,展出东方艺术家的作品。)




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