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1. 形容词:表示缺乏水分或湿润感。

例句:The ground is very dry after the long drought.(长期干旱后地面非常干燥。)

2. 形容词:表示无趣、冷淡或缺乏情感。

例句:His speech was very dry and boring.(他的演讲非常枯燥无味。)

3. 形容词:表示不含有酒精。

例句:I prefer to drink dry wine instead of sweet wine.(我更喜欢喝干酒而不是甜酒。)

4. 动词:使变得干燥。

例句:We need to dry the clothes before we can wear them.(我们需要把衣服晾干才能穿。)

5. 动词:变得干燥。

例句:The river has dried up due to the lack of rainfall.(由于缺乏降雨,这条河流已经干涸了。)

6. 动词:使变得无趣、冷淡或缺乏情感。

例句:The comedian's jokes dried up and the audience sped laughing.(喜剧演员的笑话讲不下去了,观众也不再笑了。)


1. The hot weather made my skin dry and itchy.


2. The dry climate in this area is not suitable for growing crops.


3. The river dried up during the summer months.


4. His presentation was very dry and lacked enthusiasm.


5. The laundry will need to be dried before we can fold it.



1. The dry spell has caused a severe water shortage in the region.


2. I prefer to drink dry wine because I don't like the sweetness of sweet wine.


3. The comedian's jokes were dry and not very funny.


4. The clothes need to be dried before they can be put away.


5. The teacher's dry teaching style made the students lose interest in the subject.



1. arid:形容词,意为“干旱的”、“贫瘠的”,与dry一样可以用来描述缺乏水分的地区或物体。

例句:The desert is an arid land with little vegetation.(沙漠是一片贫瘠的土地,几乎没有植被。)

2. parched:形容词,意为“干渴的”、“焦躁不安的”,常用来形容人或动物因缺水而感到口渴。

例句:After hours of hiking, we were all parched and desperate for water.(长时间徒步旅行后,我们都变得口渴难耐,迫切需要水。)

3. dehydrated:形容词,意为“脱水的”、“干燥的”,可以用来形容物体或人因缺乏水分而变得干燥。

例句:The dehydrated fruit is perfect for hiking because it's lightweight and easy to carry.(这种脱水水果非常适合徒步旅行,因为它重量轻,携带方便。)

4. dull:形容词,意为“无聊的”、“枯燥的”,可以用来形容缺乏趣味或活力的事物。

例句:The movie was so dull that I fell asleep halfway through.(这部电影太无聊了,我看到一半就睡着了。)

5. insipid:形容词,意为“乏味的”、“平淡无奇的”,常用来形容缺乏创意或吸引力的东西。

例句:The insipid salad had no dressing and tasted bland.(这个平淡无奇的沙拉没有加调料,味道很淡。)




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