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dressup的音标为/dres ʌp/。


1. 作为动词时,dressup通常用来描述某人的打扮或装饰。它可以用来指身体的各个部分,也可以指整个外表。通常与介词in连用,表示穿着某种服饰或打扮成某种样子。


- She likes to dress up in fancy dresses for parties.(她喜欢在派对上穿着华丽的礼服。)

- He dressed up as a pirate for Halloween.(他在万圣节时装扮成海盗。)

2. dressup也可以表示伪装或假扮。在这种情况下,它通常与as连用。

- She dressed up as a man to sneak into the party.(她伪装成男人潜入了派对。)

3. 作为名词时,dressup指的是盛装、服饰或外观。它可以指一件特定的衣服,也可以指整个外表。

- She put on her best dressup for the wedding.(她穿上了最漂亮的衣服参加婚礼。)

- The dressup for the event was formal attire.(这次活动的服装要求是正式服装。)


1. She loves to dress up in traditional costumes for cultural events.(她喜欢在文化活动中穿着传统服饰。)

2. He dressed up as a superhero for the costume party.(他在化装舞会上扮演了一个超级的角色。)

3. The little girl likes to dress up her dolls with different outfits and accessories.(小女孩喜欢给她的娃娃换上不同的衣服和配饰。)

4. I don't have time to dress up today, so I'll just wear a simple outfit.(我今天没有时间打扮,所以我只会穿一身简单的衣服。)

5. The dressup of the bride was absolutely stunning on her wedding day.(新娘在婚礼当天的盛装绝对令人惊艳。)


1. Dress:作为动词时,dress也可以表示“打扮”或“穿衣”。它与dressup的用法类似,但更常用来指穿衣。

- She likes to dress in bright colors for summer.(夏天她喜欢穿亮色衣服。)

- He dressed himself in a suit and tie for the job interview.(他为了面试穿上了西装和领带。)

2. Adorn:作为动词,adorn表示“装饰”或“点缀”。它强调的是美化或增添美感。

- The Christmas tree was adorned with colorful lights and ornaments.(圣诞树上挂满了五颜六色的灯和装饰品。)

- The bride's hair was adorned with a beautiful flower crown.(新娘的头发上戴着一顶漂亮的花冠。)

3. Disguise:作为动词,disguise表示“伪装”、“假扮”或“掩饰”。它与dressup的用法类似,但更强调隐藏真实身份。

- He disguised himself as a waiter to sneak into the party.(他假扮成一名服务员潜入了派对。)

- She tried to disguise her disappointment with a smile.(她试图用微笑掩饰失望。)




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