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drawup的音标为/drɔː ʌp/。


1. drawup + 名词:指起草某个文件、计划或草案。:

- The lawyer is drawing up a contract for the new business deal.


- The government has drawn up a new policy to address the issue of climate change.


2. drawup + 计划/方案:表示制定计划或方案。:

- The team is drawing up a training plan for the upcoming competition.


- Our company has drawn up a strategic plan for the next five years.


3. drawup + 阵型/图表:表示绘制阵型或图表。:

- The coach is drawing up a new formation for the team.


- The engineer has drawn up a detailed diagram for the construction project.



1. The committee has drawn up a proposal for the new school curriculum.(已经起草了一份关于新学校课程的提案。)

2. The architect is drawing up plans for the renovation of the old building.(建筑师正在为旧建筑的翻新制定计划。)

3. The government is drawing up a new law to protect endangered species.(正在制定一项新法律来保护濒危物种。)

4. The team has drawn up a game strategy to defeat their opponents.(团队已经制定了一项比赛策略来击败对手。)

5. The artist is drawing up sketches for his next art exhibition.(艺术家正在为他下一次艺术展览绘制素描。)


1. draft:作动词时,与drawup意思相同,表示“起草,拟定”。:The lawyer drafted a contract for the business deal.

2. formulate:指通过的思考和计划来制定某项内容,通常暗示着更加深入和复杂的过程。:The committee formulated a new policy to address the issue.

3. devise:强调通过创造性的思维来制定某项内容。:The team devised a new marketing strategy to attract more customers.

4. frame:指用具体的语言来表达想法或计划。:The professor framed a theory to explain the phenomenon.

5. compose:指将各个部分组合成一个整体,暗示着艺术性和创造性。:The musician composed a new song for his album.




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