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1. 作为动词时,drawn表示“拖”,“拉”。:She drew the curtains to let in more light.(她拉开窗帘让更多光线进来。)

2. 作为形容词时,drawn表示“疲惫的”,“消瘦的”。:He looked drawn after working for 12 hours straight.(连续工作12小时后,他看起来很疲惫。)

3. 作为名词时,drawn指的是一种艺术技巧或手法。:Her drawings are full of life and energy.(她的画充满了生机和活力。)

4. draw on 是一个固定搭配,表示“利用”、“借鉴”、“依靠”。:The author drew on his own experiences to write the novel.(这位作者借鉴自己的经历来写这部小说。)

5. draw out 是另一个固定搭配,表示“延长”,“拖延”。:The meeting was drawn out for hours due to disagreements.(由于意见不合,拖了几个小时。)


1. The artist drew a beautiful landscape on the canvas.


2. She was so drawn from lack of sleep that she could barely keep her eyes open.


3. The students were asked to draw on their knowledge of history to analyze the current political situation.


4. The negotiations between the two countries were drawn out for months before an agreement was finally reached.


5. The speaker drew out his presentation by adding unnecessary details.



1. She has always been drawn to art and spends most of her free time painting.


2. The patient's drawn appearance was a result of his long battle with the illness.


3. The company drew on its resources to launch a new product.


4. The teacher drew out the shy student by asking her to share her thoughts in front of the class.


5. The meeting was drawn out due to disagreements over the budget.



1. pull:作为动词时,pull也有“拖”,“拉”的意思,但更强调用力或施加力量。:He pulled the rope with all his strength to lift the heavy object.(他用尽全力拉绳子来提起那个重物。)

2. sketch:作为动词时,sketch可以表示“草拟”,“勾画”。:She sketched out a rough outline of her novel before starting to write it.(她在开始写小说之前先勾画出一个大致的轮廓。)

3. exhausted:作为形容词时,exhausted和drawn都可以表示“疲惫的”,但exhausted更强调和体力上的耗尽。:After running a marathon, she was completely exhausted.(跑完马拉松后,她精疲力竭。)

4. technique:作为名词时,technique和drawn都可以指艺术技巧或手法,但technique更偏重于技术方面。:His painting technique is very unique and innovative.(他的绘画技巧非常独特和创新。)




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