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1. The director wanted to dramatize the play by adding more action and suspense. 导演想要通过增加更多的动作和悬念来使这部戏剧更加引人注目。

2. The novel was dramatized for the stage and became a huge success. 这部小说被改编成舞台剧,取得了巨大的成功。

3. She tends to dramatize every situation and make it seem more serious than it actually is. 她倾向于夸大每种情况,并让它看起来比实际情况更严重。

4. The news channel often uses dramatic music and special effects to dramatize their stories. 新闻频道经常使用戏剧化的音乐和特效来渲染他们的报道。

5. The movie exaggerated and dramatized historical events for entertainment purposes. 这部电影夸大并将历史戏剧化以供娱乐。


1. The word "dramatize" can be replaced with "embellish" which means to add details or decorations to make something more attractive or interesting.

2. Another synonym for "dramatize" is "exaggerate" which means to overstate or overemphasize something for effect.

3. "Magnify" is also a synonym for "dramatize" and it means to make something seem larger or more important than it actually is.

4. "Theatricalize" is another synonym for "dramatize" and it means to make something seem more dramatic or theatrical.

5. Lastly, "sensationalize" can also be used in place of "dramatize" and it means to present something in a way that provokes strong emotional reactions.




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