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1. 作为名词:

a. 指英国肯特郡的一个港口城市:Dover is a port city in Kent, England.

b. 指其他地方的类似港口城市:The town reminded him of Dover.

c. 用于地名:Dover Beach, Dover Castle.

2. 作为动词:

a. 指缓慢移动:The ship dovered into the harbor.

b. 指小心地行走:She dovered across the icy road.


1. The ferry from Calais to Dover takes about an hour and a half. (从加来到多佛的轮渡大约需要一个半小时。)

2. The white cliffs of Dover are a famous landmark in England. (多佛白崖是英格兰著名的地标。)

3. The hikers dovered along the narrow mountain path, careful not to slip on the rocks. (远足者们沿着狭窄的山间小路慢慢前行,小心不要在岩石上滑倒。)

4. She dovered over to the edge of the cliff to get a better view of the ocean. (她慢慢地走到悬崖边缘,以便更好地欣赏大海。)

5. The cat dovered around the room, sniffing at everything in its path. (猫在房间里踱来踱去,闻着它路径上的每一样东西。)


1. as a noun:

a. harbor: a place on the coast where ships can dock and load or unload cargo (港口)

b. port: a town or city with a harbor where ships load or unload goods (港口城市)

c. seaport: a port on the seacoast, especially one that has facilities for handling and storing cargo (海港)

2. as a verb:

a. move slowly: proceed slowly and carefully (缓慢移动)

b. tread carefully: walk carefully and quietly so as not to be noticed (小心行走)


Dover是一个多义词,在不同的语境下可以作为名词和动词使用。作为名词时,它指英国肯特郡的一个港口城市,也可以用于其他地方的类似港口城市或地名。作为动词时,它可以表示缓慢移动或小心行走。除了这些基本用法,我们还可以通过同义词来丰富表达,如harbor、port和seaport作为名词的替换词,move slowly和tread carefully作为动词的替换词。总的来说,Dover是一个常见的单词,在日常生活中经常可以听到或使用。


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