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dothetrick是一个英语短语,由两部分组成:do the trick。其中,trick是名词,意为“诡计”、“把戏”,而do则是动词,意为“做”、“执行”。因此,dothetrick的字面意思是“做把戏”。在日常口语中,它通常用来表示某件事情或方法能够解决问题或达到预期效果。


dothetrick的音标为 /də ðə trɪk/。





1. His quick thinking and clever strategy did the trick and helped him win the game. (他的敏捷思维和巧妙策略起了作用,并帮助他赢得了比赛。)

2. I was struggling with my math homework, but then my friend showed me a simple trick that did the trick. (我一直在为我的数学作业苦恼,但是我的朋友给我展示了一个简单的方法,它起了作用。)

3. She tried different ways to calm her crying baby, but singing a lullaby finally did the trick. (她尝试了不同的方法来安抚哭闹的宝宝,但是唱一首摇篮曲最终起了作用。)

4. The new software update did the trick and fixed all the bugs in the system. (新的软件更新起了作用,并修复了中的所有错误。)

5. He was struggling with his weight for years, but a new diet plan finally did the trick and helped him lose 20 pounds. (多年来他一直在为自己的体重而苦恼,但是一个新的饮食计划最终起了作用,并帮助他减掉了20磅。)


1. Work: 和dothetrick意思相近,表示某件事情或方法能够解决问题或达到预期效果。

例句:I have tried different methods, but only one of them really worked.


2. Do wonders: 意为“产生神奇效果”、“大有作为”。

例句:This new medicine does wonders for my headache.


3. Get the job done: 意为“完成任务”、“解决问题”。

例句:We need to find a way to get the job done before the deadline.


4. Solve the problem: 意为“解决问题”。

例句:I have been struggling with this issue for days, but finally I solved the problem.


5. Fix the issue: 意为“修复问题”、“解决困难”。

例句:We encountered some technical issues during the presentation, but our IT team quickly fixed the issue.



dothetrick是一个常用的英语短语,通常用来表示某件事情或方法能够解决问题或达到预期效果。它可以作为动词短语使用,并且可以用来描述任何能够成功完成任务、解决问题或达成目标的方法或手段。除此之外,还有许多近义词可以替代dothetrick,如work、do wonders、get the job done等。因此,在日常生活中,我们可以根据具体情境选择合适的表达方式来表达相同的意思。


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