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1. 翻译:disease是指一种身体或心理上的异常状态,通常会影响到身体的正常功能。在中文中,可以翻译为“疾病”、“病症”、“疾苦”等。


2. 记忆:disease这个单词可以被分解为“dis-”和“ease”,其中“dis-”表示“不”,而“ease”表示“舒适、轻松”,因此可以记忆为“不舒适”的意思。

3. 用法:disease通常作为名词使用,可以指代具体的某种疾病,也可以泛指一类疾病。:“She suffers from a rare disease.”(她患有一种罕见的疾病。) “Poor living conditions can lead to the spread of diseases.”(恶劣的生活条件会导致疾病的传播。)

4. 托福例句:

a) The doctor diagnosed her with a chronic disease.


b) The government has launched a campaign to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.



三:用法:disease通常作为名词使用,可以指代具体的某种疾病,也可以泛指一类疾病。此外,它也可以作为动词使用,表示“使患病、使受苦”。:“The disease has spread to other parts of her body.”(这种疾病已经蔓延到她身体的其他部位。) “The war has diseased the minds of the soldiers.”(战争已经让士们心灵受到了伤害。)


1. The doctor told her that she had a rare disease.


2. The spread of infectious diseases is a major concern for public health officials.


3. The poor living conditions in the slum have led to an outbreak of diseases.


4. She is determined to find a cure for the disease that took her father's life.


5. The pollution in the river has caused a disease in the fish population.



1. illness:作为名词,可以指代身体或心理上的异常状态,也可以泛指一类疾病。:“mental illness”(疾病) “chronic illnesses”(慢性疾病)

2. disorder:作为名词,可以指代身体或心理上的异常状态,也可以泛指一类疾病。:“sleep disorders”(睡眠障碍) “mood disorders”(情绪障碍)

3. sickness:作为名词,通常指身体上的不适或不舒服。:“motion sickness”(晕车) “food poisoning sickness”(食物中毒引起的不适)

4. ailment:作为名词,通常指轻微的身体不适或小毛病。:“minor ailments”(小毛病) “digestive ailments”(消化问题)




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