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1. 作为动词使用时,discard表示“丢弃、放弃、抛弃”,常与介词“of”连用。:

- Please discard all the old newspapers.(请把所有旧报纸都丢掉。)

- He discarded his old habits and started a new life.(他放弃了旧习惯,开始了新生活。)

- The company decided to discard the old product and develop a new one.(公司决定放弃旧产品,开发新产品。)

2. 作为名词使用时,discard表示“被丢弃的东西”。:

- The trash can was full of discards from the party.(垃圾桶里装满了派对上被丢弃的东西。)

- She found some valuable discards in the dumpster.(她在垃圾箱里找到了一些有价值的被丢弃物品。)


1. She decided to discard all her old clothes and buy new ones for the new season.(她决定把所有旧衣服都丢掉,为新的季节买些新衣服。)

2. The company had to discard the faulty products and apologize to their customers.(公司不得不放弃有问题的产品,并向客户道歉。)

3. He discarded his old job and started his own business.(他放弃了旧工作,开始了自己的生意。)

4. The teacher asked the students to discard their old textbooks and use the new ones she provided.(老师要求学生们把旧教科书都丢掉,使用她提供的新教材。)

5. The restaurant had to discard all the expired food in order to pass the health inspection.(为了通过卫生检查,餐厅不得不把所有过期食物都丢掉。)


1. abandon:表示“放弃、抛弃”,语气更加强烈,常用于指人或行为。:He abandoned his family and ran away with all their money.

2. dispose of:表示“处理、处理掉”,语气比discard更加正式和客观。:The city has a program for disposing of hazardous waste.

3. get rid of:表示“摆脱、除去”,语气比discard更加口语化。:I finally got rid of my old car and bought a new one.

4. throw away:表示“扔掉、丢弃”,语气比discard更加随意和随便。:Don't just throw away your old toys, donate them to charity.


discard是一个常用的英语单词,意思是“丢弃、放弃、抛弃”。它可以作为动词使用,也可以作为名词使用。作为动词时,常与介词“of”连用;作为名词时,表示“被丢弃的东西”。除了discard外,还有一些近义词如abandon、dispose of、get rid of和throw away等,它们在语气和用法上略有不同。希望通过本篇文章,读者能够更加清楚地理解discard的含义及用法。


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