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用法:作为名词时,Desert通常指干旱和贫瘠的地区,也可以指某个特定的沙漠地区。:“The Sahara Desert is the largest hot desert in the world.”(撒哈拉沙漠是世界上最大的热带沙漠。)作为动词时,Desert表示“离开”或“放弃”,常见搭配有desert a place(离开一个地方)、desert one's family(抛弃自己的家人)等。:“He deserted his wife and children and ran away with another woman.”(他抛弃了妻子和孩子,跟另一个女人跑了。)

托福例句:1. The camel is known as the ship of the desert because it can survive for long periods of time in the harsh desert environment.(骆驼被称为沙漠中的船,因为它可以在恶劣的沙漠环境中生存很长时间。)

2. Many plants and animals have adapted to the extreme conditions of the desert.(许多植物和动物已经适应了沙漠极端的环境。)

3. The Bedouin people have been living in the desert for generations and have developed a deep understanding of its ways.(贝都因人世世代代生活在沙漠中,对其生存方式有着深刻的理解。)

4. The soldiers were ordered to desert their post and retreat from the enemy's attack.(士们被命令离开自己的岗位,从敌人的攻击中撤退。)

5. Despite the harsh conditions, some people choose to live in the desert because they enjoy its peacefulness and beauty.(尽管条件艰苦,一些人选择生活在沙漠中,因为他们喜欢它的宁静和美丽。)

同义词及用法:与Desert意思相近的单词有wasteland、wilderness、barren等,它们都表示荒芜或贫瘠的地区。:“The wasteland was once a thriving city before it was destroyed by war.”(这片荒地曾经是一座繁华的城市,在战争中被摧毁了。)此外,Desert还可以用作形容词,表示“荒凉的”或“无人居住的”。:“The deserted island was a perfect place for Robinson Crusoe to live alone.”(那个无人居住的孤岛是鲁滨逊漂流记的理想居住地。)



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