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1. 作为名词时,description可以表示对事物外观、特征或性质的详细描述。

- Can you give me a detailed description of the suspect?(你能给我一个嫌疑人的详细描述吗?)

- The job description stated that the candidate must have at least 5 years of experience.(工作说明书上写明候选人必须至少有5年的工作经验。)

2. 作为动词时,description可以表示用文字或语言来表达对事物的描述。

- She described the movie in great detail.(她详细地描述了这部电影。)

- He is good at describing complex ideas in a simple way.(他擅长以简单方式描写复杂的想法。)

3. 在文学作品中,description也可以指代对人物、场景、情感等的描写。

- The author's vivid descriptions painted a clear picture in my mind.(作者生动的描写在我脑海中勾勒出了一个清晰的画面。)

- The description of the sunset in the novel was breathtaking.(小说中对日落的描写令人惊叹。)


1. The description of the painting was so detailed that I felt like I could see it with my own eyes.(这幅画的描述如此详细,让我感觉自己能用眼睛看到它。)

2. The job description didn't mention anything about working overtime, but it turned out to be a regular thing.(工作说明书上没有提到加班,但事实证明这是一件常事。)

3. Can you give me a brief description of your trip to Europe?(你能给我一个关于你去欧洲旅行的简要描述吗?)

4. The author's vivid descriptions of the characters made them come alive in the readers' minds.(作者对角色生动的描写使它们在读者心中栩栩如生。)

5. She described her emotions as a rollercoaster ride, full of ups and downs.(她把自己的情绪比作过山车,充满了起伏和起伏。)


1. Narrative:作为名词时,意为“叙述”,可以表示对故事、等的叙述。与description相比,narrative更偏向于讲述事情的经过和发展。

- The book is a narrative of the author's journey through Africa.(这本书是作者在非洲旅行的叙述。)

- The narrative of the movie was engaging and kept the audience on the edge of their seats.(这部电影的叙述引人入胜,让观众屏息以待。)

2. Depiction:作为名词时,意为“描绘”,可以表示对人物、场景等的描写。与description相比,depiction更加强调通过文字或图像来表现事物。

- The depiction of the war in the painting was very realistic.(画中战争的描绘非常逼真。)

- The author's depiction of the main character's inner turmoil was powerful and moving.(作者对主角内心挣扎的描写令人动容。)

3. Portrayal:作为名词时,意为“刻画”,可以表示对人物、情感等的刻画。与description相比,portrayal更加强调通过文字或表演来呈现事物。

- Her portrayal of a strong and independent woman in her latest movie received critical acclaim.(她在最新电影中饰演一位坚强独立的女性,获得了评论家们的赞誉。)

- The portrayal of the relationship between the two main characters was the highlight of the play.(两位主角之间的关系刻画是这出戏的亮点。)




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