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1. default的翻译:默认,缺省,不履行,违约


2. default的记忆:default作为名词时,表示“默认值”或“不履行责任”,作为动词时,则表示“不履行”或“违约”。

3. default的用法:作为名词时,default通常用来指代或程序中预设的值。,在电脑设置中可以选择使用默认的语言。作为动词时,default可用来描述某人未能履行其责任或义务。

4. 托福例句:

a) The default language on my computer is English, but I can change it to Chinese if I want.


b) If you fail to pay your bills on time, you will be in default and may face legal consequences.



default [dɪˈfɔːlt]


1. 作为名词:

a) 默认值:You can change the default settings of your phone to suit your preferences.


b) 不履行责任:The company was in default of its contract and had to pay a penalty.


2. 作为动词:

a) 不履行:If you don't complete the project on time, you will default on your contract.


b) 违约:The borrower defaulted on their loan and now owes a large amount of money.



1. The default font on my computer is too small for me to read comfortably. (我的电脑默认字体太小,我看起来不舒服。)

2. If you don't select a different option, the system will use the default settings. (如果你不选择其他选项,将使用默认设置。)

3. The company's failure to pay its employees' salaries was a clear default of their obligations. (公司未能支付员工工资是他们义务的明显违约。)

4. The borrower defaulted on their mortgage and now faces foreclosure on their house. (借款人违约了抵押贷款,现在面临房屋被收回的风险。)

5. In case of default, the lender has the right to take legal action against the borrower. (在违约情况下,借款人有权对借款人采取法律行动。)


1. failure: 失败,失败者,不履行

2. neglect: 忽视,疏忽,不履行

3. breach: 违反,违约,破坏

4. noncompliance: 不服从,不履行,违约

5. defaulting: 违约的,违约者




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