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convenient (adjective) - easy to use or do; suitable for one's purposes





1. 作为形容词,convenient可以用来描述某件事物或情况是否方便、适合或便利。它通常用于描述时间、地点、方法、服务等。

2. convenient也可以用来表示某人的行为或态度是否方便或便利。

3. convenient还可以作为副词,表示“方便地”、“容易地”。


1. It is not convenient for me to meet at that time. (那个时间我不方便见面。)

2. This hotel is conveniently located near the train station. (这家酒店位于火车站附近,很方便。)

3. The online payment system is very convenient for customers. (网上支付对顾客来说非常方便。)

4. It's not very convenient to carry all these bags by myself. (一个人拎着这些包不太方便。)

5. The teacher was very understanding and made it convenient for the students to ask questions during class. (老师很理解,让学生在课堂上提问很容易。)


1. handy - easy to use or do; within reach or accessible

e.g., This book is handy for quick reference.

2. expedient - suitable or advantageous for a particular purpose; based on what is practical rather than what is morally right

e.g., It may not be the most moral decision, but it is expedient for our company's success.

3. opportune - well-; suitable for a particular purpose

e.g., It was an opportune moment to ask for a raise.

4. efficient - achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense

e.g., The new system is more efficient and saves us a lot of time.

5. user-friendly - easy to use or understand

e.g., The new software is very user-friendly and requires no training.




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