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一:consequently什么意思? consequently翻译的意思是“因此”,“结果”,“所以”。它是一个副词,用来表示由于某个原因而导致的结果或影响。


二:怎么读(音标)?consequently的音标为 /ˈkɒnsɪkwəntli/,其中重音在第二个音节上。


1. She didn't study for the test, consequently she failed.(她没有为考试学习,结果她失败了。)

2. The company's profits have been declining, consequently they had to lay off some employees.(公司的利润一直在下降,所以他们不得不裁员。)

3. He didn't take care of his health, and consequently he got sick.(他没有注意健康,结果生病了。)


1. Consequently, the project was delayed due to unforeseen circumstances.


2. She didn't save any money and consequently couldn't afford to go on vacation.


3. The team lost their star player and consequently lost the game.


4. The company implemented new policies and consequently saw an increase in productivity.


5. He didn't listen to the instructions and consequently made a mistake.



1. Therefore, we decided to cancel the event due to bad weather.


2. Thus, the company was able to cut costs and increase profits.


3. Hence, we need to come up with a new plan to solve this problem.




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