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1. 作形容词时,common表示“常见的”、“普遍的”,通常用来描述某个事物或情况普遍存在或经常发生。

- It is common for children to be afraid of the dark. (孩子害怕黑暗是很常见的。)

- It is common knowledge that smoking is bad for your health. (吸烟对健康有害是众所周知的。)

2. 作名词时,common指“共同之处”、“共有之物”,也可以指“普通人”、“平民百姓”。

- We have a lot in common. (我们有很多共同之处。)

- The park is open to the common people. (公园对普通人开放。)

3. 在英语中,common还可以用来表示“普通话”、“共同的语言”。

- We need to find a common language to communicate with each other. (我们需要找到一种共同的语言来交流。)

4. 作为名词时,common还可以指“公共地方”、“公共事务”。

- The town has a beautiful common where people can gather and relax. (这个小镇有一个美丽的公共场所,人们可以聚集和放松。)

- The government is responsible for managing the common affairs of the country. (负责管理的公共事务。)


1. It is common for students to feel nervous before an exam.


2. It is common courtesy to say “thank you” when someone helps you.


3. We have a lot in common, we both love hiking and reading.


4. The park is a popular spot for picnics among the common people.


5. English is the most commonly spoken language in the world.



1. Ordinary:作形容词时,与common的意思相近,都表示“普通的”、“常见的”,但ordinary更偏向于“平凡的”或“一般的”。

- It is an ordinary day, nothing special happened. (今天是平常日子,没有什么特别发生。)

- The food here is quite ordinary, nothing to write home about. (这里的食物很普通,没什么特别值得称道的。)

2. Familiar:作形容词时,与common都表示“熟悉的”,但familiar更强调对某事物或人有所了解。

- This is a familiar face, I think we've met before. (这是一个熟悉的面孔,我想我们之前见过。)

- I'm not familiar with this ic, can you explain it to me? (我对这个话题不太熟悉,你能给我解释一下吗?)

3. Popular:作形容词时,与common都表示“流行的”、“受欢迎的”,但popular更侧重于受到大众喜爱。

- This song is very popular among teenagers. (这首歌在青少年中很流行。)

- The new restaurant in town has become quite popular recently. (镇上新开的餐厅最近变得很受欢迎。)




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