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candy的音标为 ['kændi]。


1. candy作为名词时,指的是各种形状、口味、颜色的小块状甜食,通常由糖、水、香精等制成。它可以包括巧克力、棒棒糖、软糖等。:


- I bought some candies for the children as a treat. (我给孩子们买了一些糖果作为奖励。)

- My favorite type of candy is chocolate. (我最喜欢的类型的糖果是巧克力。)

2. candy也可以用作动词,表示“给…糖果”、“制作糖果”。:

- The parents will candy the apples for Halloween. (父母会在万圣节给苹果上上一层蜜饯。)

- I love to watch my grandma canding sweets in the kitchen. (我喜欢看奶奶在厨房里做甜点。)


1. She has a sweet tooth and can't resist buying candies whenever she sees them.


2. The store owner decorated the window display with colorful candies to attract customers.


3. The children were ecstatic when they received bags of candies as a reward for their good behavior.


4. The candy factory produces a variety of sweets, including gummy bears, lollipops, and chocolate bars.


5. My grandma taught me how to make homemade candies using simple ingredients like sugar and water.



1. The doctor advised the patient to cut down on sugary treats such as candies and cakes to improve his health.


2. The little girl was delighted to find a hidden stash of candies in her room on her birthday.


3. The candy store owner is known for his creative and unique designs of handmade chocolates.


4. The children were mesmerized by the candy-making demonstration at the fair.


5. The candy shop offers a wide range of imported sweets from different countries, satisfying customers' diverse preferences.



1. sweet:指任何甜食,包括糖果在内。

2. confectionery:指制作和售卖各种甜食的行业或商店。

3. treat:指作为奖励或奢侈品而享用的食物,可以是任何类型的食物,不限于甜食。

4. dessert:指餐后吃的甜点心,通常是一道菜式。

5. sugar:指单一成分的白色结晶体,可用来制作各种糖果。




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