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1. 打:指通过与某人进行交流或。

例句:I will call you later.(我稍后会给你打。)

英文释义:To make a telephone call to someone.

2. 叫喊:指高声说话或大声呼喊。

例句:The teacher called the students' names one by one.(老师一个个地点名学生。)

英文释义:To shout or say something loudly.

3. 呼唤:指用声音来吸引注意力或寻求帮助。

例句:The mother called her children to come inside for dinner.(母亲喊孩子们进屋吃饭。)

英文释义:To use one's voice to attract attention or seek assistance.

4. 召唤:指命令某人来做某事。

例句:The boss called his employees into the meeting room.(老板把员工们叫到室。)

英文释义:To summon someone to do something.

5. 号码/号码簿:指存储人信息的文件或本子。

例句:I have all my friends' numbers in my call log.(我把所有朋友的号码都存储在我的通话记录里。)

英文释义:A record of the telephone numbers that have been called or received, typically stored in a phone or computer.

6. 呼叫:指通过与某人交流或。

例句:I received a call from my boss this morning.(今天早上我接到了老板的。)

英文释义:A telephone conversation or communication.

7. 号召/呼吁:指发出请求或要求。

例句:The organization is calling for donations to help those in need.(该组织号召捐款来帮助有需要的人。)

英文释义:To make a request or demand for something.

8. 决定/宣布:指做出决定或宣布某事。

例句:The judge called for a recess in the court proceedings.(要求休庭。)

英文释义:To make a decision or announcement.

9. 称呼/称作:指给予某人或某物一个名称。

例句:My friends call me by my nickname, "Sunny".(我的朋友们都用我的绰号“阳光”来称呼我。)

英文释义:To give someone or something a name or title.

10. 预测/预言:指预先说出将要发生的事情。

例句:The fortune teller called that I would meet someone special today.(算命师预言我今天会遇到特别的人。)

英文释义:To predict or foretell.


1. I called my mom to tell her the good news.


2. The coach called for a timeout to discuss strategy.


3. The little girl called for her lost puppy in the park.


4. The president called a meeting to address the current issues.


5. The students all answered "present" when their names were called in class.



1. phone:作为动词,表示打;作为名词,指。

例句:I will phone you later.(我稍后会给你打。)

2. shout:表示大声说话或呼喊。

例句:The coach shouted instructions to his players during the game.(教练在比赛中向球员们大声喊指令。)

3. summon:指命令某人来做某事。

例句:The king summoned his soldiers to defend the castle.(国王召集士保卫城堡。)

4. appeal:表示恳求或请求。

例句:The charity organization is appealing for donations to help those in need.(慈善组织正在呼吁捐款来帮助有需要的人。)

5. announce:表示宣布或公布。

例句:The company announced a new product launch next month.(公司宣布下个月推出新产品。)




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