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bunch的音标为/bʌntʃ/,读音为[ bʌn tʃ ]。


1. 作为名词:

a bunch of:一束/串…

a bunch of flowers:一束花

a bunch of bananas:一串香蕉

a bunch of keys:一串钥匙

2. 作为动词:

bunch sth. up:把…聚集在一起

She bunched up her hair and pinned it on of her head.(她把头发盘起来绑在头顶。)

3. 另外,bunch也可以用来表示“成群结队”的意思。

The tourists were all bunched together taking photos.(游客们都挤在一起拍照。)


1. She picked a bunch of flowers from the garden.


2. The children bunched up to take a group photo.


3. He has a bunch of keys hanging from his belt.


4. The grapes were bunched together on the vine.


5. The students were bunched up in the library, studying for their exams.



1. I bought a bunch of bananas at the market.


2. The tourists were all bunched together on the bus tour.


3. She bunched up her scarf to keep her neck warm.


4. The flowers were bunched up in a beautiful bouquet.


5. We can't just bunch all these different issues together and try to solve them at once.



1. cluster:作为名词时,表示“群,簇”,作动词时表示“聚集,成群结队”。

The stars formed a bright cluster in the sky.(星星们在天空中形成了一个明亮的群簇。)

The children clustered around the teacher, eager to hear the story.(孩子们围着老师,渴望听故事。)

2. bundle:作为名词时,表示“捆,束”,作动词时表示“把…捆绑在一起”。

She carried a bundle of books in her arms.(她双臂抱着一捆书。)

The farmer bundled up the hay and put it in the barn.(农民把干草捆起来放进谷仓。)

3. clump:作为名词时,表示“团,簇”,作动词时表示“聚集在一起”。

There was a clump of trees at the edge of the field.(田边有一片树林。)

The cows were clumped together under the shade of the tree.(牛群挤在树荫下。)




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