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1. 作名词时,brush可以指代各种类型的刷子,如牙刷、头发刷、画笔等。:

- Please remember to bring your toothbrush.(请记得带上你的牙刷。)

- She used a small brush to paint the details of the flower.(她用一支小画笔来描绘花朵的细节。)

2. 作动词时,brush表示“用刷子擦洗”或“轻轻碰触”。:

- He brushed his teeth before going to bed.(他睡前刷了牙。)

- The butterfly brushed against my cheek as it flew by.(蝴蝶飞过时轻轻碰了一下我的脸颊。)

3. brush还可以表示“掠过”、“擦过”等含义,常用于描述轻微的动作。:

- The car brushed against the wall as it tried to park.(汽车试图停车时擦了一下墙壁。)

- Her fingers brushed over the keys of the piano.(她的手指轻轻擦过钢琴键盘。)

4. 另外,brush也可以用作名词来表示“短暂的接触”或“轻微的争吵”。:

- They had a brief brush with fame when their video went viral.(当他们的视频走红时,他们曾短暂地接触到名声。)

- There was a little brush between the two teams during the game.(比赛期间两队发生了一点小。)


1. She used a brush to smooth out the paint on her canvas.


2. The artist carefully brushed on the final details of his masterpiece.


3. The hiker had to brush away the branches as she made her way through the dense forest.


4. The little girl's hair was tangled and her mother had to use a special brush to detangle it.


5. The couple had a brush with danger when they got lost in the mountains during their hike.



1. She brushed her long hair before going out for the evening.


2. The chef carefully brushed the glaze onto the pastries before putting them in the oven.


3. The cat brushed against my leg as it walked by.


4. The artist used a large brush to create bold strokes on the canvas.


5. I had a brief brush with fame when my blog post went viral.



1. scrub:表示“擦洗”或“刷洗”,与brush的意思相似,但更多指用力擦洗或清洁。

2. sweep:表示“扫除”或“清扫”,常用于指用扫帚清除灰尘或垃圾。

3. paintbrush:表示“画笔”,主要用于绘画。

4. comb:表示“梳子”,常用于梳理头发。

5. touch:表示“轻轻碰触”,与brush的意思相似,但更多指触摸或接触。




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