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用法:1. 名词:Bones作为名词时,通常用于描述人和动物身体内的坚硬结构。它可以单数形式使用,表示一个具体的骨头,也可以复数形式使用,表示多个骨头。:


- The bones of the human body provide support and protection for our organs.(人体的骨头为我们的器官提供支持和保护。)

- Dogs love to chew on bones.(狗喜欢咀嚼骨头。)

2. 动词:Bones作为动词时,通常用于表示剥夺某人或某物的财产或权利。它也可以用于描述某物被剥夺后变得无价值或无用。:

- The company went bankrupt and the employees were left with nothing. They were completely boned.(公司破产了,员工一无所有。他们彻底被剥夺了。)

- The hacker managed to bone the entire database, leaving all our information vulnerable.(成功地剥夺了整个数据库,让我们的信息变得脆弱。)

3. 形容词:Bones作为形容词时,通常用于形容人或动物非常瘦弱或消瘦。它也可以用于形容某物非常简单或基本。:

- After being stranded on a deserted island for months, he was skin and bones when he was finally rescued.(在荒岛上被困数月后,他最终被救出时已经骨瘦如柴。)

- This is just a bones version of the original plan, we still need to add more details.(这只是原计划的简单版本,我们还需要添加更多细节。)


1. He broke his arm and had to wear a cast for six weeks until the bones healed.(他断了手臂,不得不戴上石膏六周直到骨头愈合。)

2. The archaeologists discovered ancient animal bones buried under the ruins of an old city.(考古学家在一座古老城市的废墟下了埋藏的古代动物骨头。)

3. The company's CEO was caught embezzling funds and was promptly boned by the board of directors.(公司的CEO到挪用资金,很快就被董事会剥夺了职位。)

4. She's been on a strict diet for months and now she's nothing but skin and bones.(她几个月来一直在严格节食,现在瘦得只剩下皮包骨头。)

5. The new version of the software has been stripped down to just the bare bones, making it more user-friendly.(软件的新版本已经简化到只有最基本的功能,使它更加用户友好。)

同义词及用法:1. Skeleton:作为名词,skeleton也可以指代人或动物身体内的骨头结构。它与bones的区别在于,skeleton更多地强调整个结构而不是单个骨头。:

- The skeleton of a whale is much larger than that of a human.(鲸鱼的骨架比人类大得多。)

- The archaeologists found the complete skeleton of a T-Rex in the desert.(考古学家在沙漠中了一只完整的T-Rex骨架。)

2. Deprive:作为动词,deprive也可以表示剥夺某人或某物的权利或财产。它与bone的区别在于,deprive更常用于正式场合,并且通常指剥夺某人的权利。:

- The dictator's regime deprived its citizens of basic human rights.(者的政权剥夺了公民的基本人权。)

- The judge has the power to deprive the accused of their freedom if they are found guilty.(有权力在被判有罪时剥夺被告人的自由。)

3. Gaunt:作为形容词,gaunt也可以用于形容人或动物非常瘦弱或消瘦。它与bones的区别在于,gaunt更多地强调因为饥饿或疾病而导致的消瘦。:

- The refugees looked gaunt and exhausted after weeks of fleeing their war-torn country.(逃离战乱数周后,难民们看起来消瘦而精疲力尽。)

- The stray dog was so gaunt that you could see its ribs through its skin.(流浪狗消瘦得连皮肤下的肋骨都能看到。)



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