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1. 沸腾:当液体受热达到一定温度时产生气泡并冒出气体时,我们就可以使用boil这个动词来描述这种状态。:


- The water is boiling.


- The soup is boiling on the stove.


2. 烹饪:当我们把食物放入沸水中进行烹饪时,也可以使用boil这个动词。:

- Boil the pasta for 10 minutes.


- I boiled some eggs for breakfast.


3. 激动:除了表示液体沸腾外,boil还可以表示情绪激动或发怒。:

- She boiled with anger when she saw the mess in the kitchen.


- His blood was boiling with excitement.


4. 热烈:boil也可以表示某件事情非常热烈或激烈进行。:

- The debate was boiling between the two candidates.


- The tension between the two teams boiled over into a physical fight.


5. 消除:在医学领域,boil也可以表示治愈或消除某种疾病。:

- The doctor prescribed some medicine to boil away the infection.




1. The water is starting to boil, so let's put in the pasta now.


2. She couldn't control her emotions and her blood began to boil with anger.


3. The political situation in the country is boiling and could lead to a revolution.


4. The doctor said that the boil on my arm would heal in a week.


5. The pot was boiling over with soup and she quickly turned off the stove.



1. I always forget to turn off the stove when I'm cooking and end up with a pot of boiling water.


2. The political climate in the country is boiling as citizens demand change from their government.


3. She boiled with jealousy when she saw her ex-boyfriend with another girl.


4. After taking the medicine, the boil on his leg disappeared within a few days.


5. The tension between the two nations has been boiling for months and could lead to war at any moment.



1. Bubble:与boil类似,表示液体冒泡。:

- The water is bubbling on the stove.


2. Simmer:与boil相反,表示液体缓慢地沸腾。:

- Let the soup simmer for an hour.


3. Rage:与boil的第三个用法类似,表示情绪激动或发怒。:

- She raged at her boss for not giving her a raise.





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