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behalf是一个英语单词,读音为/bɪˈhæf/。它可以作为名词使用,表示“”、“利益”、“支持”等含义。在使用时,常常与介词on连用,表示“某人”的意思。:on behalf of my company (我的公司)。


用法:behalf通常作为介词on的宾语出现,也可作为介词for的同义词使用。除了上述提到的用法外,它还可以表示“支持”、“利益”等含义。:I speak on behalf of all the students (我所有学生发言);I am doing this on your behalf (我在你的支持下做这件事)。



1. On behalf of the school, I would like to welcome all the new students.


2. The lawyer spoke on behalf of his client in court.


3. She is always willing to help others, even if it's on someone else's behalf.


4. The charity organization works on behalf of the underprivileged children.


5. I am writing this letter on behalf of my friend who is unable to attend the meeting.



On behalf of our team, I would like to express our gratitude for this opportunity to provide a detailed explanation of the word "behalf". As an English dictionary editor and translator, it is our duty to ensure that every word and its usage is accurately represented in our dictionary.

Behalf, pronounced as /bɪˈhæf/, is a noun that means "representing", "interest", or "support". It is often used with the preposition 'on' to indicate that someone is acting or speaking for another person or group. For instance, "on behalf of my company" means speaking or acting on behalf of my company.

To remember this word better, we can break it down into two parts - 'be' and 'half'. 'Be' means "to be" and 'half' means "one-half". Therefore, we can understand that behalf refers to half of a person's identity, representing someone or some organization.

Behalf is commonly used as the object of the preposition 'on', but it can also be used as a synonym for the preposition 'for'. Apart from its common usage mentioned above, it can also mean "support" or "interest". For example, "I speak on behalf of all the students" (representing all students) and "I am doing this on your behalf" (with your support).

In terms of TOEFL exam, understanding and correctly using behalf is crucial for scoring high in the writing and speaking sections. Here are some examples that showcase the usage of behalf in TOEFL questions:

1. The student council president spoke on behalf of the students during the meeting.


2. The company's CEO attended the conference on behalf of his employees.


3. The government officials promised to work on behalf of the citizens' interests.


4. On whose behalf are you making this decision?


5. The lawyer argued on behalf of his client in court.


Synonyms for behalf include "in support of", "on account of", and "representing". It is important to note that "behalf" should not be confused with "behave", which means "to act or conduct oneself".

In conclusion, as an English dictionary editor and translator, it is our responsibility to provide accurate definitions and examples for words like "behalf". We hope this explanation has helped you understand this word better and use it correctly in your daily communication or TOEFL exam.


Behalf是一个常用的英语单词,意思为“”、“利益”、“支持”。它通常与介词on连用,表示“某人”的意思。记忆该单词时,可以将其拆分为be和half两部分来理解,即“一半的身份”。在托福考试中,正确使用behalf可以帮助提高写作和口语成绩。同义词包括"in support of"、"on account of"和"representing"。最后,作为词典编辑和翻译人员,我们的责任是确保每个单词的定义和用法准确无误,希望本文能帮助读者更好地理解并正确使用behalf这个单词。


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