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becauseof是一个英语词汇,意思是“由于”,“因为”。它通常用来表示某件事情的原因或导致某种结果的原因。这个词可以用作介词,也可以用作连词。它的含义与“due to”、“as a result of”、“owing to”等类似。


becauseof的音标为/bɪˈkɔːz əv/。


1. 作为介词,becauseof通常放在句子中间,连接两个短语或从句,表示原因。它后面可以接名词、代词、动名词或从句。


- He was late for the meeting because of the heavy traffic.


- She couldn't attend the party because of her illness.


2. 作为连词,becauseof通常放在句首,连接两个完整的句子,表示前一句是后一句的原因。它后面接从句。

- Because of his hard work, he was promoted to manager.


- She didn't go to college because of financial difficulties.


3. 因为英语中有许多表达原因的词汇,因此在使用becauseof时需要注意语境。它通常用于正式场合或书面语中,而在口语中更常用because来代替。


1. He was fired from his job because of his constant tardiness.


2. Because of the bad weather, the flight was delayed for two hours.


3. She couldn't concentrate on her studies because of the noisy neighbors.


4. Because of his excellent performance, he was awarded a scholarship to study abroad.


5. We couldn't go hiking because of the heavy rain.



1. due to:与becauseof意思相同,也可以表示“归功于”、“应归因于”。

- The event was cancelled due to bad weather.


2. as a result of:与becauseof意思相同,也可以表示“作为……的结果”、“由于……的缘故”。

- As a result of his hard work, he passed the exam with flying colors.


3. owing to:与becauseof意思相同,也可以表示“由于”、“因为”。

- The project was delayed owing to a lack of funding.


4. thanks to:表示“多亏了”、“幸亏有”、“由于有”。

- Thanks to your help, we were able to finish the project on time.


5. on account of:与becauseof意思相同,也可以表示“因为”、“由于”。常用于正式场合或书面语中。

- On account of his illness, he couldn't attend the meeting.





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